There are varieties of programs that offer to develop fully functional e-commerce websites. And among these varieties, Magento has come up as one of the most popular platforms. It offers robust site development. The Magento Community Edition has more than 200,000 users. It has come up as a strong choice for e-commerce stores. The reason for the popularity of the program lies in multiple factors. It meets online e-store expectations and provides a fully functional website. The article is highlighting some strong reasons why Magento has found so much popularity among online businesses.
The Top 8 Advantages to Using Magento for Ecommerce development
Magento is packed with a range of features to facilitate layered navigation, advanced search, favorites, wish lists, product comparisons, email lists, multi-store, grouped products, and a content management system for static pages and SEO optimization. The web development program gives developers enough space to develop a unique site to meet the expectations of the site owner and provides excellent support at the same time.
As per the requirement of the business, a site can be customized. It is true that the requirements of every business are varied. Some want a big site and some small. The flexibility of Magento allows you to get edition-based solutions. For example, Magento “Go” has been designed for small businesses whereas Magento Enterprise fits the needs of medium to large businesses. For custom designing, numerous templates and themes are available considering another aspect of the flexibility. So, the platform has the capacity to fit your business needs.
Better Optimization:-
No matter how much flexible your site is, you aim to make it not only user-friendly but also search engine friendly. The program resolves SEO issues to provide better optimization for e-commerce sites. It allows users to manage page traffic, landing page, duplicate content, and indexing.
There are around 50 payment gateways offered by the program to integrate with your e-commerce site. The shopping cart development makes shopping for customers easy, fast and straightforward.
Integrate with Google:-
The platform has made itself valuable and efficient by integrating with Google. There are multiple Google services that can be used with Magento such as Google Analytics, Google Checkout, and Google Base. Integration with the search engine giant allows Magento-based sites to keep track of traffic, content performance, and processing order.
Management of Multiple Stores:-
Before Magento, it was a cumbersome task to manage multiple stores from a single administrative panel. Now with this platform, each store can be managed distinctively. Running and managing multiple e-stores is now no more difficult.
On Your Mobile:-
With this smart device era, Magento developers have taken the platform a step ahead. Magento mobile will allow you to operate your e-portal without using a bulky computer.
Open Source:-
The last but not the least factor to using the platform is that it is open-source. So, the website development takes place under your budget. Magento website developers develop your dream online store in a strict budget plan.